Sunday, February 6, 2011

As Within, So Without

There's a very popular concept out there right now. You hear about it in books like The Secret and in the writings of Abraham-Hicks. I'm talking, of course, about the Law of Attraction.

It's a simple principle. It basically goes like this: what you have and what you put out into the world are what you'll get. It's not a new idea by any means. It has, in fact, created wealth and happiness for countless individuals throughout history.

There are multiple ways to utilize this principle. The first involves recognizing that you reside in two worlds: the outer and the inner. The outer world is what you wake up to every day. It's the world that your conscious mind wrestles with from hour-to-hour between the times at which you sleep.

The inner world, on the other hand, exists within your mind. It's largely defined by your subconscious. All your hopes and all your fears exist within this world. It's where your patterns of thinking reside. Everything you believe about yourself and about reality lives within your inner world.

The reason I'm sometimes so heavy-handed in my rhetoric against liberals and those that advance a materialistic view of the world is that such views ultimately boil down to these worlds being almost completely disconnected. The pure materialist will tell you that your "inner world" is merely a combination of chemicals and synapses firing in the outer world and that, when you die in the outer world, your inner world dies as well.

This is the most damnable lie in the history of mankind and the single most destructive belief which an individual or society can hold.

The truth is that our inner worlds are both connected to each other as well as to the Source of All Things, God. When our will is in conformity with the Will of God and is exerted with proper focus and forcefulness, it begins to manifest itself in the outer world. This is a fundamental law of the universe known throughout the ages -- as below, so above.

I describe my philosophy as "Spiritual Materialism." I believe it's our duty to manifest that which is Spirit, residing in the Inner World, into the Material world, that Outer World which surrounds us. Through such action we imbue meaning into the Outer World and, in doing so, we become successful according to our own terms. We do this through personal action and through what many would consider to be a form of Magic -- not the Magic, of course, that comes from talking to demons or the spirits of the dead but rather the Magic which occurs when God manifests His Will in the world around us and everything seems a bit more beautiful and, well, Magical.

If you want to attract wealth into your life, you need to begin creating an abundance of wealth within your Inner World. You have to truly convince yourself that it's indeed possible to change your station in life and to be successful. You have to take possession of the wealth you desire within your very soul and create patterns of thought which allow you to believe that the wealth is truly yours. This isn't an easy task. To do this you must overcome years upon years of conditioning which has convinced you of the contrary. You have to embed these new thoughts into the very way you think. You'll know you've been successful when you feel a will within you to stand up and take action to take what is yours instead of just whining about how you wish you had more money. It's hard.

Another important concept is that in order to receive you must first give from that place of abundance. If you want to position yourself to take possession of the wealth that's yours, you must first be willing to give of yourself to others. I'm not necessarily talking about giving away money. Look for ways to use your talents to open doors for others. Aid them in their lives. Provide them with services that add to your value in the outward world. If the service is valuable and if they can afford it, don't be afraid to ask for money.

Convince yourself in your inner world that you're a person of value and then act in the outer world to make it so. The outer world will bend to accommodate your inner world. As Within, So Without. As Below, So Above. Proper understanding of this principle is what will make you wealthier beyond your wildest dreams.

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