Thursday, February 10, 2011

Going the Extra Mile

A friend of mine impressed me today.

This friend of mine is an avid fan of Disney. In particular, he loves Walt Disney World, so much so that he hopes to build a long term career there. Against the recommendations of some of his friends and family, he applied last year for the Disney College Program as a custodian. This guy is very intelligent and probably could have picked his jobs a bit more wisely but he ran with it.

Long story short, he got the job. He loved working there but circumstances in his personal life coupled with not being quite fit for custodial work led to his going home early. He was a bit distraught as it was still a place he wanted to build a career.

Some people give up on their dreams. My friend chose to pursue it again. This time he has reapplied to work for Disney in a job for which he feels great enthusiasm: "Attractions" (basically, the people who operate the rides). Good deal.

Now, most people would be content to reapply and leave it at that. Some go an extra step and call/email to confirm their interest in the position. He did that too. But a few days ago he did something which displayed excellent hustle and surprised me a bit, to say the least.

He created a website.

His website is called I Want To Work At Disney. He even took the time and extra money to register the name! It's still a work in progress, of course, and he says he's constantly working to refine it, but I'm impressed that he's made the effort in the first place.

The winnings in life go to those who are willing to go the extra mile in life and put in extra effort where others are content to rest. I'll keep you updated regarding how he does.

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