Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Keys to Financial Success: PT 3

After receiving quite a bit of email regarding my last two posts I feel it's necessary to expand on a couple points I've made.

First, when I speak of trusting in God, it's not my intent to make it sound as though just any old god will do. There is God, and there are false gods. The True God spoke to Abraham and gave Moses the Ten Commandments. The True God sent the prophets to the people of Israel. Most importantly, the True God sent His only Son to live among us, to die in atonement of our sins, and to resurrect as a sign of our restoration to eternal life.

Don't take any of this the wrong way. I would not necessarily describe myself as overly religious. I'm not here to preach. I'm not here to tell you to start going to church or synagogue. I would not even go so far as to say that what you believe about the Judeo-Christian God is important -- the important part is that you believe. If you are open to His workings in your life and try to obey his ways, at least on a personal level, He notices and responds to that. If you turn your back on him or turn yourself towards the service of other gods He in turn turns His back on you and turns His attention towards helping others instead.

This is all very much connected, by the way, to the reasons for which the Judeo-Christian West has outpaced the rest of the world in developing over the past 1000 years or so. Yes, there were at times societies which were more advanced and more prosperous than ourselves during that period. I'm sure that any liberal reading this post will gladly point that out in the comments. The point is that our civilization was recovering from a complete and utter social disintegration in the form of the collapse of the Roman Empire. It was the sort of social collapse that when other civilizations faced it they never recovered. We not only recovered, we thrived while more advanced civilizations just stagnated. It was God who made this possible. It was our Judeo-Christian culture that pleased Him to act in our favor.

As Western civilization begins to turn its back on our God, we have begun also to decline. We see it all around us. Again, I'm not telling you to attend weekly worship, to pray, or to do anything in specific except believe. Belief in God is what makes it possible to understand that the world around us isn't material and that our thoughts matter and our actions really do matter. It's the secret to success.

Don't take any of this as permission to become a religious nut. You've missed the mark gravely if that's how you choose to interpret my words. Dogmatism will ruin you -- it's the sin of the Pharisees. Just as liberalism strips away the ability material wealth from those to whom it's exposed, dogmatism strips spiritual wealth. It strips it both from yourself and those around you. You push them away from God with your thoughts, words, and actions. Believe and act in your personal life according to God's will. Don't presume to force others into following your beliefs as well.

God is real. The spiritual world is real. Spirits and higher energies and things that go bump in the night are all real. The power of thought and prayer is real. What's not real is the purely mechanical, materialistic world dogmatically foisted upon you by secularist liberal elites who want to preserve their power at your expense. They'll tell you that the primary tools you'll need to succeed are all lies and they'll treat this as though it is somehow a solid fact rather than their simplistic opinion.

Trust in God. Trust in the power of your own thought and will. In doing this you'll have the strength to overcome the adversity of your situation and move forward in such ways as to be truly great.

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