Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Keys to Financial Success: PT 1

We live in difficult times. Big government policies at all levels of our government have led us to skyrocketing debts and a collapsed economy. Democrats are particularly pleased by this state of affairs, as they lick their chops to save impoverished America through socialism and increased government spending. Despite Tea Party victories during the November elections, the GOP stands poised to play another round of, "More of the same," and aid the Democrat Party in achieving its goals.

I'm a firm believer in America. I believe that at the end of the day the American people will inevitably triumph over our corrupt leaders and their machinations. The strength of the American people derives from the fact that real Americans are individuals. We forge our own way in life. We aren't like the peoples of Europe whom traditionally have relied upon their "social betters" to improve their standards of living -- we pave our own way. Insofar as we may be strong as a group, it's because we're strong first as individuals.

The quest for individual prosperity is at the core of the American experience. Our government was originally set up in such a way so as to avoid rule through an demagogue-directed collectivism. The fruits of this is apparent. We live in the most prosperous nation known to the history of mankind.

We're plagued, however, and have been plagued from the beginning by a wealthy elite in this country. Now, when I refer to this wealthy elite I am not speaking merely of wealthy individuals. It is every American's god-given right to strive for prosperity and success. This elite is composed of very powerful people. Out of a hunger for more power not unlike "Big Brother" in 1984, they want to prevent the rest of us from being successful as well. Now, obviously, if they were to try to build a political ideology around this principle they wouldn't get very far -- they're smarter than that. What they did instead was invent the ideology known as "liberalism."

Liberalism is a groupthink-oriented ideology promulgated with the primary intent of keeping people who aren't wealthy in their place. The primary means of achieving this is through the constant denial of the individual and an increasing focus on the collective. The economic tools they use to achieve their goals are obvious -- high taxation, advocacy for programs which keep citizens dependent upon government, policies intended to punish the successful, etc. These topics have been written about in depth. I want to focus on the more subtle elements of their plan.

The key to the liberal agenda is the advocacy of materialistic secularism. Liberal efforts hinge on their ability to convince you that the material world you see around you is all there is and all there will ever be. A large chunk of public education is about pounding this idea into the heads of our children early on. We're taught that purely materialistic world is a world where we have to focus on cooperation if we want to survive. It's a world without principles or moral imperatives. Most importantly, it's a world without God or spirit, a world where the power of the wealthy and the educated is supreme.

A purely material world is a world where your prayers, thoughts, and will are completely ineffectual. Incidentally, these are the primary tools for achieving wealth and success of your own.

There are two fundamental ways to achieve success in this world. One is permanent and the other temporary and destructive. The first is through God. The second is through the devil. God's path involves accepting God into your life and through recognizing that, through Him, your thoughts, will, and hard work will come to fruition. One who follows God's way will have success both here and in the life to come. The devil's way, on the other hand, involves cheating others and pulling the rug out from others to prevent them from being free. It involves lying both to others and to one's self. A world without God is a world without consequences and thus a world where one can cheat to one's content. It's perhaps quicker than prosperity through God but it inevitably leads to ruination, both in this life and in the next.

The first step on the path to real, lasting success is understanding that there is a God. One must reject the materialist conception of the world around oneself. Success necessitates that you accept that your thoughts and aspirations have strong and very real effects on the world around you. It might sound cliche but you truly do create your own reality and acceptance of that fact is key to lasting success.

To change your reality you must first change your thoughts and the way in which you view reality in the first place. Keeping this in mind, I would like to recommend a book called The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel. The link should take you to a free .pdf version but you can certainly Google search for a free copy as well.

More on this subject to follow...

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